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May 2020

Update from CVSM 5/21/20

By Announcements

Hello, CVSM families! 

 It is amazing that it has been two months since the stay-at-home order was put into place! I miss seeing you in the halls of CVSM. I miss hearing the wonderful music wafting through the building. I miss the joy of making music with you! I look forward to the day when we can be together in person again. 

 Thank you for your flexibility and willingness to shift to a different method of learning over the past two months. Although online is not the same as in-person, it has allowed instruction to continue and for all students to continue making progress. Many of you are even participating in online recitals to share your talents! 

 I want to give you an update on summer plans at CVSM. The plan is to continue instruction online until we have clear guidance from the CDC, the government, and Wilson College (our landlord) regarding the safety measures that need to be in place for in-person instruction. There are many aspects to music instruction that need to be taken into account: appropriate social distancing while in lessons or classes, not all students and teachers can wear masks during instruction (wind instruments and vocalists), sanitizing shared instruments (pianos, drum sets), health checks at entry point, etc. The staff and I, as well as a committee of a variety of community members, are working on details of a reopening plan that will keep health and safety of our families at the forefront. This may involve phasing in instrument categories over a few weeks, with voice and flute students in the final phase. There will most likely be a mix of online and in-person lessons as we move through the next few months. 

 Heather Kline is working with our group instructors on creating engaging online camps and classes for the summer. In many cases, participants in these camps and classes will receive a kit of supplies to be used during the camp and class time. Please keep in mind that in some cases parent assistance will be needed during the camp or class time. As these details are clarified and confirmed, we will send email updates and post on social media. If there is a camp or class listed in the brochure or online that you were planning to register for, please be in touch with Valerie Merriman ([email protected]) so she can place you on an info list to receive the finalized information when it is available. 

 For those interested in Voice & Drama Camp, Heather is also looking into a virtual musical option: this is a show written and designed to be performed online! This will be a very unique and amazing experience! 

 I hope you plan to continue taking music lessons and classes over the summer. Registration is open now and continues throughout the summer. Please contact Valerie to set up dates and times with your instructor. Email is the best option ([email protected]) however if you would prefer a phone number, please respond to this email or email Valerie to let her know you would prefer a phone call. Since these phone calls are routed through Valerie’s personal phone, we would prefer to keep them to a minimum. 


Heather McEndree, CVSM Executive Director