
Meet CVSM Student Nathaniel Bryson

By November 13, 2023November 20th, 2023Meet CVSM

Nathaniel is the 2023 Maj Britt Kaal First Place Instrumental and the Third Place Piano Merit Award recipient

For how long have you attended CVSM and which teachers have you studied with?
I’ve attended CVSM for 10 years, and I’ve studied with Susan Matson for piano and Heather McEndree for flute.

Where do you attend school and what grade are you in?
I attend Saint Maria Goretti Catholic High School and I’m in 9th grade.

What are your favorite music activities?
Choir, band, and piano.

What is your best/favorite memory of your time at CVSM?
That one time the power went out during a recital and we had the recital in the dark.

What are three words to describe CVSM?
Family, happy, and perseverance.

What do you do for fun?
I like cubing and studying geography.

If you could instantly have any talent, what would it be?
Visual art.

What are three things most people don’t know about you?
I have more than 50 cubes in my collection, I can name all countries of the world and their capitals, and I don’t know how to swim.

What is a superpower you wish you had?
Solving a Rubik’s cube blindfolded.

Where is the best place you have traveled to and why?
I’d say the Florida Keys; it has very nice scenery, and there’s always a place for everyone. There are keys that are busy and keys that are more laid-back. The water was warm, especially at the time that I went.