Monthly Archives

August 2024

Music & Mental Health: Life is a Symphony

By Tips & Techniques

Imagine if you arrived at the Kennedy Center to hear the NSO perform Beethoven’s No. 5 symphony, but to your surprise, only the violin section appeared on stage with all other instruments and their accompanying maestros completely absent. Imagine that you pulled up one of your favorite songs, “More Than Words” by Extreme, hit play, and heard only one member of the band singing, while the other with his masterful harmonies was suddenly gone. Or imagine singing “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” rounds alone.

None of it would work. And, honestly, all of it would sound awful.

That’s a lot like life…

without connection.

Humans are designed for connection, not isolation. We intend to create in partnership and cooperation. It’s how the greatest music works are etched in our hearts and minds. It’s what enables a call-and-response performance and what spurs a concert audience to sing along with flash-lit phones held high. Read More